Dude, can I borrow your truck?
I'm moving. Yep, I'm making the switch to wordpress. Why? I Do. Not. Know. I set The Boy up on wordpress to that my blogless family could comment on his blog without it being an ordeal and decided it would be a good idea for me too. It was late. There were templates and widgets. and so it is. It is hard to let go of the very convincing Elvis impersonator, but the times, they are a changin'. And since no one actually reads this blog, I figured what the heck.
Do me one big favor though...all of you blogexplosion flybys and googlers searching for "Yo Mama" jokes....
Please visit my new blog to read this about my son...and take a second to do something small to you, but big to a boy. Thank you.
And now I'm off to pack.
Do me one big favor though...all of you blogexplosion flybys and googlers searching for "Yo Mama" jokes....
Please visit my new blog to read this about my son...and take a second to do something small to you, but big to a boy. Thank you.
And now I'm off to pack.