I was tagged by Kristen at
Motherhood Uncensored. And since talking about myself is one of my favorite pastimes...allow me to bore you with this.....
Two Things That Scare Me
1. Spiders - in an irrational, hysterical kind of way
2. Dying before my kids are grown
Two Hobbies
1. Making jewelry
2. T-shirt design
Two Things I Suck At
1. Housework
2. Cooking
Yes, my husband is a lucky, lucky man.
Two Truths
1. The better it tastes...the fatter it will make me.
2. The more I need a break....the needier my kids become.
Two Things That Make Me a Typical Chick
1. I almost never leave the house without makeup.
2. I love new clothes and shoes (But hate shopping, go figure)
Two Names I am Called
1. Mel
2. Lady (By my husband...usually when he is frustrated.)
Two Words I'd Like To Use To Describe Myself (Notice it says "I'd
like to use...not that I
do use.
1. Good Mom
2. Sucessful
Two Things That Make Me Cry
1. Kids being mistreated
2. Moms watching their babies die of starvation
oh, and also stubbing my toe on the way to the bathroom in the middle of the night
Two Things I Want to Change in This World
1. Kids (anyone) starving. See above.
2. Homelessness
Although I hate questions like that. Everyone gives these noble answers, but very few people actually try to make a difference. Myself included.
Two Words I Have Trouble Saying (I'm going to make that two phrases instead)
1. You were right, I was wrong
2. No
Two Everyday Essentials
1. Deepest Beauty Mineral Makeup
2. Food. Yum. Anyone else hungry?
Two Favorite Items in the House
1. Laptop
2. TiVo
Two Things I Really Want
1. A three stone platinum and diamond anniversary ring
2. To move back to California
I'm not tagging anyone because I don't
know anyone. If you would like to take a shot at this meme, please consider yourself tagged. Don't forget to leave a link to yours.